To make the next generation the best

It takes a village to
raise a child.

We at GM Formacion realize that at present this responsibility boils down to the hands of parents and teachers, who along with the children form the three pillars for the holistic development of a child. We are an initiative to make the next generation, the best generation.

Each child is unique. Their inherent abilities, their growth potential, their personality traits are characteristic to them. Thus, to address this spectrum of capabilities we need to provide personalized care to every one of them. We at GM Formacion are adept at this task, and our services cater to every step of a child's growth.

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Our Services more


Training is continuous and never ending in nature. At GM formacion, we work towards enhancing the skills and capabilities of teachers, parents and students through engaging sessions.


A life coach is someone professionally trained to help you utilize your potential and reach your desired results.


Counselling (also sometimes known as therapy) provides an opportunity for you to talk with a trained professional about anything which impacts your psychological well being and daily life.

Psychological Tests

We provide psychological tests to gather information about how people think, feel, behave and react. The findings are used to develop a report of the person’s abilities and behavior.

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For enquiries, please contact us.

GM Formacion
Evergreen, Near St.Sebastian’s Church Muringoor P.O. Thrissur District–680 309